
Just testing

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Hi Chris, I'm a psychotherapist and I'd like to talk to you.... (how's that for an arresting introduction!). I'm working with Zhiwa Woodbury and we're editing a book together - probably called "Psyche and Psychosphere: an accessible correspondence". It will interleave pieces from psycho-practitioners with those of more systems-informed disciplines. On the one hand. the practitioners are finding where the limits and "sacred constructs" (eg: anthropocentric; hyper-individual; en-siloed etc) of the institutional mainstream of the discipline meets the needs and context of our times (ie: planetary; connected; en-souled). On the other, theres an economist, an artist, a biologist, a climate journalist and so on considering how their work has led them to thinking about the psychology that is driving the predicament. And both reflecting on how their work and experience has changed how they think about themselves our predicament, and what it means to be human. I'm thinking that your work even here with Substack alone will have informed and transformed you in many ways. So - I'd love to explore this a bit more and see if you'd like to be part of this project. Having a deep love for the music of the late, great John Martin, I'm on: solidair@zoho.com. I hope you may be tempted to test these waters further. many thanks and all the very best. Mark Skelding (I thought replying to a piece written entirely in Latin was likely the most discrete way to approach!!)

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Was it the jumbled post?

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Wow Amazing read . Learnt a lot about Lorem Ipsum. Thanks Chris !

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Hello and advanced pleasure in getting to know you and your glorious app!

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